August's Pub of the Month - Heaton Hops, Heaton Chapel
Thursday 24 August 2023
7 School Lane, Heaton Chapel, SK4 5DE Map
The Stockport & South Manchester CAMRA Pub of the Month award for August 2023 has been won by the Heaton Hops on School Lane in Heaton Chapel, writes Jim Flynn.
Heaton Hops in Heaton Chapel was
opened by Damian O'Shea ('the Aleman') and his partner Charlotte back in April 2015, and since then they have won numerous awards from far and wide.
The bar is based in converted shop premises with just two small rooms (the second is downstairs) and a seemingly ever-expanding outside pavement drinking area which, in the summer especially, gives a continental feel. Damian has certainly created a friendly, hospitable and innovative place to have a drink.
There are now three changing cask beers, traditional cider and keg beers, along with bottled and canned beers from the UK and around the world (Damian started out selling bottled beers in local markets). The aim is to promote local beers as far as possible, although not to the exclusion of high-quality products from around the country. Indeed, one of the cask beers is now always supplied by Taylor's as the bar is a member of Taylor's Champions Club. The increasing choice of cask beers has enabled Damian to become one of the most enthusiastic supporters of CAMRA initiatives such as Mild Magic.
To say that the place has captured the imagination of local drinkers is an understatement, with the place packed out almost every night (don't go on Mondays, it's shut). So get there early to join the local CAMRA branch to celebrate the award, which will be presented to Damian, Charlotte and their staff on Thursday 24 August, when I'm sure there will be great beer and a convivial welcome.
The pub is on the 7 and 42A bus routes, the 192 stops nearby and Heaton Chapel train station is only five or six minutes away, so there is absolutely no excuse to miss this night!
The Pub of the Month award is sponsored by Stephensons, a local family firm that has been supplying the local pub and catering trade for over 140 years. Check out their web site by clicking on their logo.

Weekday Wanders
September Weekday Wander — Up in t'hills
11:30 Wednesday 6th September, Manchester Victoria
This month we are off up into the hills, where we can partake of grand views across Littleborough, that is if the weather is fine. Otherwise we might be stuck in the clouds with nothing but sodden sheep to stare at. Make sure your attire matches the conditions, be it sombrero and shorts or sowester and thermals.
As people will be traveling from different directions, our meeting point is Manchester Victoria for the train to Leeds, with ourselves alighting at Littleborough. Once off the train we have a 10 minute wait for our next transport, conveniently adjacent to a thrifty butty shop (sandwiches typically £3). Taking advantage of a useful bus, we will be whisked up the A58 to alight at the top of the hill right outside the White House.
Originally built as the Coach and Horses in 1671,
probably at the same time as the adjacent road was upgraded to its current route. There is evidence
of at least two other alignments for this ancient moorland crossing, one wrongly being described as a Roman Road (picture left and full details). Sometime in its life the Coach and Horses was painted white, and as it stands out on the skyline, it became known as the White House by the locals. Internally there are many rooms, some with views - weather permitting. Excellent food is on offer, but will cost a little more than the butty available down in Littleborough. When leaving we have a choice; the 587 will pick us up outside the pub (no bus stop, but clear waving of arms arrests the bus) for a couple or so stops. Alternatively a 20/25 minute walk down the old coach road (gravel surfaced) plus a little way down the main road will get us to our next objective.
The Moorcock was built in 1681
as a farmhouse, with its antiquity being attested to but the stonework of the windows overlooking the valley below. Various extensions have been sympathetically added over the years, but it still gives an impression of an old building. Inside is very 'olde worlde', with an extensive terrace and beer field (calling it a garden would be an understatement) at the rear, from where pleasant views are offered. When leaving, departure again needs co-ordinating with the 587 bus (again no bus stop).
When we alight from the bus in Littleborough we should have about a 10 minute wait for a lift up the next hill, but this assumes both busses
are running to schedule. Alternatively the walk is 10 minutes and the gradient isn't too challenging.
Our next objective is the Hare On The Hill, a pub/bar/gastropub described as very small, but ever so perfectly formed! Part of a conglomerate which includes the award winning Flying Horse in Rochdale so we can expect good beer. Some of the Taliban wing of CAMRA may not approve, as cask ale is dispensed via free flow taps not handpumps, plus you have to pay for your beer electronically. A further challenge is firstly finding the toilets, then deciphering the signs on the doors to work out which is the Gents. Upon leaving we can yet again co-ordinate with a bus, but as it is downhill it is as easy to walk (weather permitting).

We will backtrack slightly to number 6 Halifax Road
to reach the Red Lion, which puts us a mere 5 minutes from the station. When approaching, in the infamous phrase from Dad's Army — no not Captain Mainwaring's "Don't tell him your name Pike" — but Corporal Jones's "Don't Panic". You may ask "Why?". The answer is that the outside still retains its Wilsons signage, but not their beers. Inside there are four rooms, one being to the rear and dedicated to pool. Contrasting with the modern furnishings at the Hare On The Hill, we are back in the cosy farmhouse mix-and-match style. When departing we can use the back entrance to the station, making it but a 5 minute walk.
Trains are approximately ever half hour ( at 03 and 30 past the hour) so departure time can be varied to meet our needs.
Arrive | Leave | Pub | Address | Food |
11:30 | 11:30 | Meet at Manchester Victoria Station Rail Station | ||
11:35 | 11:58 | Northern train to Littleborough | ||
12:10 | 12:17 | 587 bus towards Halifax | ||
12:17 | 13:20 | White House | Blackstone Edge, Halifax Road, Littleborough, OL15 0LG | Yes |
13:23 | 13:28 | 587 bus towards Littleborough | ||
13:30 | 14:25 | Moorcock Inn | Halifax Road, Littleborough, OL15 0LD | Yes |
14:28 | 14:31 | 587 bus towards Littleborough | ||
14:40 | 14:43 | 457 bus towards Stansfield or 10 minute walk | ||
14:45 | 15:45 | Hare On The Hill | 132 Hare Hill Road, Littleborough, OL15 9HG | |
15:45 | 15:55 | 10 minute walk or 457 bus towards Rochdale | ||
15:55 | 16:55 | Red Lion | 6 Halifax Road, Littleborough, OL15 0HB | |
16:55 | 17:00 | 5 minute walk to Littleborough station | ||
17:03 | 17:25 | Northern train to Manchester Victoria | ||
17:30 | 17:52 | Alternative options - Northern train to Manchester Victoria |
October Weekday Wander — Prestwich
11:40 Tuesday 3rd October, Manchester Victoria
This month's Weekday Wander heads north on the tram to visit Prestwich. Though this might sound like a cruel practice carried out on wise women of old the meaning is a little simpler. The prest of Prestwich is possibly from the Old English preost meaning priest with the wich being farm, village or home. This is rather ironic as seeing a priest nowadays would be a rarity as the area houses, combined with neighbouring Whitefield, Cheetham Hill, Crumpsall and Broughton Park, the second-largest Jewish community in the United Kingdom.
Unfortunately this Wander has a dearth of food outlets, but as a later than normal meeting is timetabled, hearty sustenance can be consumed prior to departure

Though advertised as Prestwich, we will actually alight the tram at Besses o' th' Barn and walk a little south to visit the Coach & Horses. A good, friendly, Holts local which has three separate drinking areas served by a narrow bar. The snug serves as a library room. A true traditional pub which still retains darts and dominoes teams. Of note is the mural on the wall outside as shown left. In passing, Besses o' th' Barn was (supposedly) the only railway sign to use lower case letters in the days of steam as illustrated at www.offtherailsonline.com/besses-o-th-barn-midland-railway-totem-sign.html.
We now have a choice, return to Besses o' th' Barn and catch a tram or walk into Prestwich. The walk, weather permitting (in October!), will take 15 minutes while the tram could take 10 to 20 depending on whether a tram is just missed!
Our next stop, Keg, Cask & Bottle couldn't be a bigger contrast to the Coach & Horses had we organised a trip to the moon (well okay, not quite that big a contrast!) This micro-bar, housed in a shop premise in the Longfield Shopping Centre, is modern and, as the term implies, cosy. Though dominated by beer taps, draught ale is still available, along with many shelves of bottles and cans. Seating is limited so we may have to spill out on to the
boulevard (well what do you call a walkway in a shopping precinct?). This is undercover so not too weather dependant (save for driving snow).
To reach our next venue we need to cross Bury New Road. Though this implies it is of more recent vintage then Bury Old Road, it is conjectured that Bury New Road actually lies on the line of the Manchester to Ribchester Roman Road (full account of the road). Having safely navigated crossing this VERY busy road we come to the Wine & Wallop. Another modern outlet which could be described as a pub, café or restaurant, and with much more space than across the road, so accommodation is no problem.
Around the corner
and down the streets leads to the historic centre of Prestwich and the Ostrich Inn. What? I thought the next venue was the Church Inn. It is, and has been renamed more fittingly as it stands next to the parish church (or was Prestwich noted for flocks of Ostriches in times of old?) Internally the pub is divided in to a warren of low beamed rooms with plenty of space for us. In fact, if we don't all arrive together the vanguard could easily hide their whereabouts to the rear-guard.
When departing, there is an opportunity to visit an excellent food outlet. Being called Chips@No8 gives the fayre away. The attention to detail is such that, unlike most places where your fish of choice has to be ordered on entry, it feels like the request "A bag of chips" would be met with "Certainly, King Edwards? Maris Piper? Jersey Royal?"
Back to the tram
station and a short hop to the Heaton Park stop and just around the corner we espy the Royal Oak. Owned by Hydes, and a good example of the honest street corner pub and offering three of their range of beers. Consisting of three rooms, along with an outside drinking area (though probably not being first choice at 5pm in October!) As the tram is but a stones throw away, departure home is fluid.
The original idea was to visit the Railway and Naturalist because of its unusual name but unfortunately no cask ale. Here is a possible explanation of that name: In around 1880 the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway built a line which, in 1916 was an early example of green transport, being converted from steam to electric operation — this is the railway. Several locals are also noted for their writings about the fauna and flora in the area such as Richard Buxton, James Cosmo Melvill, Leo Grindon and Thomas Rogers — are these the Naturalists?
Arrive | Leave | Pub | Address | Food |
11:40 | 11:45 | Meet at Manchester Victoria Station Rail Station | ||
11:48 | 12:15 | Bury bound tram alighting at Besses o' th' Barn | ||
12:15 | 13:30 | Coach & Horses | 71 Bury Old Road, Whitefield, M45 6TB | |
13:30 | 13:45 | Back to tram and travell to Prestwich OR walk (if weather clement?) | ||
13:45 | 14:00 | Call in nearby shop for food break | ||
14:00 | 15:00 | Keg, Cask & Bottle | Unit 7 Longfield Centre Prestwich, Prestwich, M25 1AY | Below |
15:00 | 16:00 | Wine & Wallop | 401-403 Bury New Road, Prestwich, M25 1AA | Yes |
16:00 | 16:45 | Church Inn | 40 Church Lane, Prestwich, M25 1AJ | |
16:45 | 17:00 | Tram Prestwich to Heaton Park | ||
17:00 | 17:45 | Royal Oak | 23-25 Whittaker Lane, Prestwich, M25 1HA | |
17:45 | 18:00 | Tram back to Manchester Victoria (tram every 6/7 minutes) |
⇒ The Keg, Cask & Bottle is small so 'sittings' may be required. This could be an opportunity to visit nearby shops to pick up food if desired.

Edgeley and Shaw Heath Stagger
We start
tonight at the Alexandra and left and right we see the Alexandra both in 1975 and today, but which is which? The trees in the older photo right have now gone and the cars are a little more modern but what else has changed?
Around the corner
at the start of Castle Street we reach the Royal Oak. Back in 1979 the Royal Oak was in the hands of Wilson's Brewery from Newton Heath, Manchester. This is the first of many former Wilson's houses we will meet this evening.
A little along
Castle Street, and on the next street corner, we come across the Prince Albert. This was also a Wilson's house back in 1979. For a time it was bereft of cask ale but back in 2012 it started to serves Marston's beers so is back in the real ale fold.
Next up,
again on the next street corner we see the Sir Robert Peel, known to generations of locals as the Bobby Peel. Back in 1979 it was another Wilson's house and presumably served real ale. This was unfortunately lacking until a year or so ago when thankfully cask ale returned, but not Wilsons!
Now for a bit
of variety. Yes the Pineapple is still a Wilson's house, but this time in the middle of a row of shops and not a street corner! Unfortunately these days there is no real ale.
We are back to the norm,
with the Jolly Crofter being yet another street corner establishment. Unfortunately it is difficult to determine whether this was yet another Wilsons house or not. Judging by the typeface used for the pub's name and size and shape of the end of brewery sign, it does appear to be a Wilsons house.
We now have an interesting array of photos of the Armoury. The initial photo (below left) has been dated as 1901 but the caption admits it could have be any time between 1895 and 1912. The middle photo is undated but the building has been rebuilt and/or modernised and looks closer to todays layout and now is obviously a Bells & Co. house. The third photo (below right) shows what the Armoury looks like today when it is firmly a Robinsons outlet.

The final photo from
yester-years took some tracking down because in days gone by Ye Olde Vic was known as the Victoria Vaults. The older photo is undated, but can't be that long ago as shown by the municipal flats which loom in background. Nowadays Ye Olde Vic is a multi-ale free house, whereas then it was yet again a Wilsons house.
Below, clicking on Map will call up a Google travel map with that location automatically set as the destination. Insert your current location (post code?) as the start and choose a travel mode (public, car, cycle or foot) and discover your travel options.
Following THIS LINK will take you to the Transport for Greater Manchester website for current travel information.
Edgeley and Shaw Heath |
Timing |
Pub Name |
Address |
Bus & Rail |
Notes |
7.30pm Starting point |
Alexandra |
195 Northgate Road |
Map |
Then |
Royal Oak |
124 Castle Street |
Map |
No real ale |
8:30pm Mid-point |
Prince Albert |
107 Castle Street |
Map |
Followed by |
Sir Robert Peel |
83 Castle Street |
Map |
No real ale |
Pineapple |
50 Castle Street |
Map |
No Real Ale |
Jolly Crofter |
15 Castle Street |
Map |
No Real Ale |
Armoury |
31 Shaw Heath |
Map |
Finishing at |
Olde Vic |
1 Chatham Street |
Map |
View Edgeley and Shaw Heath stagger in a separate window.
Images on this page are thumbnails from various sources and no right is claimed. If you own copyright and wish either removal or acknowledgement please advise me and I'll promptly follow your wishes.
Updated July 2023

Cider Pub of the Year 2023
Petersgate Tap, Stockport
19a St Petersgate, Stockport SK1 1EB Map
The Stockport & South Manchester CAMRA Cider Pub of the Year for 2022 is Petersgate Tap, St Petersgate, Stockport.

It's four in a row for the Petersgate Tap, which is once again the CAMRA Stockport & South Manchester Cider Pub of the Year.
Set over two floors, the Tap opened in September 2016, since when it has settled in to become a firm favourite with local beer and cider drinkers. Father and son team Alan and Chris Gent are passionate about their beers and ciders. Dark (and often quite strong) beers are something of a speciality, while the cider and perry selection has gone from strength to strength. No fewer than eight traditional ciders and perries are now regularly available.

While local producers feature here, such as Dunham Press (Dunham Massey) and SiDa (Macclesfield), there is also an accent on sourcing high-quality ciders and perries from leading producers further afield. Top names such as Ross on Wye, Gregg's Pit and Hecks now often feature on the cider list. All of the ciders are either fridge- or cellar-cooled too.
Alan Gent told us: "We are obviously very pleased that our efforts on cider and perry have been recognised by the branch. This year, we have continued to diversify our range and stockists, sadly losing the legendary (cider supplier) John Reek along the way. We're looking forward to contending for the regional title in the near future".

Club of the Year 2023
Ladybarn Social Club - Stockport and South Manchester Club of the Year
13 Green Street, Ladybarn, Manchester, M14 6TL Map
The Stockport & South Manchester Club
of the Year is the Ladybarn Social Club, on Green Street, in Ladybarn. This prompted a long-planned visit and chat with club secretary, and self-confessed cask ale freak, Phil Cowtan.
The club occupies a building that was originally the White Swan pub - a Robinsons house, although originally belonging to Kay's Atlas Brewery of Ardwick. When Robinsons closed the pub around ten years ago, it was acquired by the club committee, which had recently sold its nearby premises for housing. It has gone from strength to strength ever since, and has also been the Stockport & South Manchester Club of the Year in 2015 and 2017.
The past 18 months have seen considerable changes, though. During the first lockdown, some £30,000 was spent improving the building and its facilities. There was a major refurbishment upstairs (where you will find two full-size snooker tables), downstairs the furniture was replaced, and outside the building was made watertight. The opportunity was also taken to restore the "Kay's Ales" signage that can be seen on photographs taken in the 1950s.
There have also been
significant changes in the cask beer range. There was previously a tie to Carlsberg Marston's, which was finally bought out in 2019. Latterly this has enabled Phil (pictured left), who also looks after the cellar, to become rather more adventurous. There are three cask beers on the bar. Permanent is Robinsons Unicorn, which is very popular with many of the regulars. This is joined by two ever-changing guest beers, usually obtained from small, local brewers. Phil makes a point of visiting Manchester pubs to see what's new and what's selling well. He's a big fan of the new Steelfish Brewing (see page 15), whose products have been very well received.
Aside from the popular Unicorn, Phil aims to have one darker beer and one pale beer on tap. He has also been surprised how well-received some of the newer unfined and hazy cask beers have been. He also tells us that cask in general has really taken off since the club properly reopened in July last year.
The club currently has 300-320 members, and this is steadily increasing. It only costs £20 a year (and just £10 if you are over 65). Non-members can pay three visits before being asked to join.
The presentation date hasn't yet been arranged but it should be in the next couple of months.

Stagger List | ||||
Staggers are arranged in alphabetic order. | ||||
Clicking on the Stagger Name will lead to a detailed listing of venues included. | ||||
Stagger |
Start Point |
Mid Point |
Bramhall |
Three Bears |
Ladybrook Hotel |
Burnage |
Farmers Arms |
Beer Shop |
Cheadle east |
Cheshire Line Tavern |
Royal Oak |
Cheadle Hulme centre |
Kenilworth |
Church Inn |
Cheadle Hulme north |
Cross Keys |
March Hare |
Chorlton-on-Medlock and University |
Ford Madox Brown |
Grafton Arms |
Didsbury north |
Botanist |
Station |
Didsbury south |
Didsbury |
Crown |
East Didsbury and Heaton Mersey |
Gateway |
Dog & Partridge |
East Manchester |
Grove at 12:30pm |
Railway around 3pm |
Edgeley and Shaw Heath |
Alexandra |
Prince Albert |
Gatley and Cheadle west |
Prince of Wales |
White Hart |
Gorton, Hyde Road |
Plough |
Royal Oak |
Great Moor, Cale Green and Heaviley |
Travellers Call |
Duke of York |
Hazel Grove north |
Grove Alehouse |
Flying Coach |
Hazel Grove south |
Rising Sun |
Wilfred Wood |
Heaton Moor |
Plough on the Moor |
Crown |
Heaton Moor east and Heaton Chapel |
Elizabethan |
George & Dragon |
Heaton Norris east |
Navigation |
Railway |
Ladybarn and Fallowfield |
Ladybarn Social Club |
Friendship |
Levenshulme |
Blue Bell |
Station Hop |
Moss Nook and Heald Green |
Tatton Arms |
Heald Green |
Northenden |
Farmers Arms |
Lounge About |
Offerton |
Puss in Boots |
Finger Post |
Reddish |
Grey Horse |
Union |
Stockport Market Place |
Bakers Vaults |
Project 53 |
Stockport North and Portwood |
Midway |
Queens |
Stockport south and Underbanks |
Wellington |
Queens Head |
West Didsbury |
Woodstock Arms |
Albert Club |
Withington |
Orion |
Victoria |